Palmview State Primary School has 3 school sport houses currently. The name of these 3 sport houses are: Dja’Ru’Gal (Red House),Ga’Wung (Blue House) and Gag’Goo (Yellow House)
Ga'wung- Ga'wung, the Kookaburra wakes us in the morning with that iconic laugh and Connects us with each other. Ga'wung is the Connect bird.
Gag'goo – Gag'goo, the wise old Yellow Eyed Owl. Old and wise some one who we can Trust. Gag'goo is the Trust bird
Dja'ru'gal – Dja'ru'gal, the Red Tailed Black Cockatoo can been seen flying around. If you see him it means that it is going to rain. When it rains the plants will Grow. Dja'ru'gal is the Grow bird.